10. Capricorn

In a world where there’s nothing much
The simplest things can a young girl touch
It may be the car or it may be the chat
But when she’s decided then that is quite that

Capricorn oh Capricorn
Men long gone by, yet to be born
When did you think you were more than a pawn
In the dangerous games of the blessed lovelorn?

You may have decided you need more research
But you are the end of her short life’s search
Offer the wheels or a weary old line
She knows too well who has the spine

Long to be different yearn for unique
But the familiar tale goes on week after week
It may be the breeding society niche
But when she’s decided then on goes the leash

Put up defences, erect a great wall
But you’re always drawn out by the siren call
Hear the lorelei on the forbidden rocks
For you Capricorn opportunity knocks