09 Reconsidering Notes

Most of these songs date back to the 1980's, but for a long time they just hung about as oddments that I'd taped on my trusty cassette recorder, but didn't know what to do with. In about 2004 the completist in me decided that they were either going to get finished or be discarded for ever. So the finished versions are a strange mixture of a basic idea (sometimes just a chord sequence and a few words) and what my 'sophisticated' modern self has been able to overlay.

1. Clichés again

The image I had was of an elderly couple settling down to watch TV and deciding it was just the same old stuff. An easy target you might say and I would agree. The trick in being interesting and original is to quit or change direction before becoming a cliché and, come on, we all need security, don't we?

2. Jerusalem

There's no great significance in the title - it represents the idea of freedom and justice that has lifted and transported the downtrodden at all times.

3. At about this time of year

Very personal, very sad. How to mess with someone's life and feel guilty about it ever afterwards.

4. On a platform

I have in mind here the lesser lights of a political party - the ones who didn't quite make it. To sort of have convictions and be just out of the spotlight. No resemblance to any existing party is intended.

5. Everyone

Based on a favorite chord sequence, this one's for those on their own on Saturday nights - you are not 'everyone', thank God.

6. If I said

The commitment-phobe speaks and not very articulately. I am getting better, even if does take personal disaster to loosen my tongue.

7. A dream from afar

Another favourite chord sequence adorned with not many words, but I do mean each one of them.

8. Takes so long

Hey, here's a contradiction. I want to be my own man yet complain about having to reach out. And there you have me: afraid of so much yet still prepared to moan about it.

9. What moves you

A frustrated tirade digging at what must be going on under the surface. Partly born out of a sense of injustice - surely these successful people have their dark nights too - and partly aimed at my own nicey-nicey persona.

10. Times are changing

A nursery rhyme, really, stating the obvious. Or not, because I just want things to stay the bloody same.

11. Moment

One of favourites - isn't relaxing with someone, well, great?

12. So kind

The tongue-tied commitment-phobe is abroad again...

13. Crying

Even I don't know what this about, other than my childhood vulnerability about being called a 'cry baby'.

14. Young consumers

Yes, well, you can't win them all. Over-ambitious, even edited down it doesn't work particularly well. Just in case you're confused it's boardroom conspiracy, youthful rebellion and a coda about how we're all implicated. Empowering young consumers was bound to lead to trouble but a simpler song would probably have made the point much better.

15. Hey you

We get separated, then get used to being separated.

16. Hope young

I was sent to Sunday school for quite some time. It wasn't an awful experience either - a little bit of hindsight's been applied here.