This formed the basis of a second set of songs compiled as a birthday present for my girlfriend. After the initial excitement of new love this represents consolidation. I had started work teaching so had to get used to being employed. There are maybe a few hints of the trials to come. Once again the piano featured: handily my landlady was a piano teacher.

1. Let me see the woman

Perhaps this is a little more grown up love song than previously. Perhaps.

2. Holy brother

My time teaching was without any involvement in a Christian community (the only time in my life this has happened). But I don't think this song is about that rather the bewilderment when in the face of apparently strong faith: good thing or not?

3. Dear girl

Another love song, but it a good tune, if you will forgive me that

4. Just passing by

This is another one of her poems set by me. Written before I knew her, I don't know who or what it's about, but the sense of betrayal is tangible.

5. One year

The title speaks for itself but I wonder if I was protesting too much.

6. This is your life

I thought I was talking about some other poor sod, but now I'm not so sure. This is something like social comment: the budding songwriter breaks out of the introspective ghetto, or does he?

7. Two come close

I liked the double meaning in the title. It's clear that sometimes things didn't go that well but there were good times, and there were many more years to go.

8. Light on the world

It's a bit clumsy but this is another 'my way' manifesto.

9. Playing in a rock'n'roll band

Continuing the clumsy song theme this one wasn't even true as my band days were long over. It tries to represent the energy that you can get by playing an acoustic guitar loudly on your own but it didn't really work.

10. A boy's dreams

This is another girlfriend poem. Again I didn't know the background but I took it along the 'nostalgic look back' avenue.

11. Small town

It was written with my girlfriend's home town in mind but now it represents the pride I have in mine. Small, imperfectly formed, but mine.

12. Michelle

A strange, not that happy amalgam, of childhood experience, a teacher's observations and wishful thinking.

13. Better deal

I'd long had this jaundiced view of a middle class working person's lot, a desparate mixture of getting on and holding on. Unfair and, of course, this was now mine.

14. Was there ever

At the end of this consolidation set, a re-statement of the love ideology. With the aid of 20/20 hindsight I wonder what I really thought the answer was.