2. The lane

A lane that leads to happiness
Leads two companions on
With an outward aura of inward peace
They approach to give thanks to the One
Tracing a new path, dividing the old
Sharing their thoughts as their journey unfolds

The once twisted lane straightens ahead
To reveal the place they both seek
Hope-hurried footsteps echo fast racing hearts
Door opens and so enter the meek
The lane has led to a haven of rest
With unity of spirit true friendship is blest

The sacrifice of self is re-acted and shared
The two companions kneel
In holy silence faith is declared
They share divine love’s meal
The miracle happens once again
The Lord co-exists with the souls of men

The two friends re-enter man’s demesne
Reborn in a world Christ-won
A pre-determined path winding forth
The lane of life fresh begun
This pilgrim’s lane which never ends
Is a pathway to God for two dear friends